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We Keep Your Lawn in Mind All Year Round

January 28, 2017 - Scott's Exterior Maintenance

Did you know it's best to keep our lawn and landscapes in mind all year? Most people are actively enjoying the outdoors during the spring and summer, so it's natural to be thinking about it during those times. However, what about the rest of the year?

This is actually a great time to start thinking about the coming year because it allows us to make an overall plan that can then be implemented at the proper time. Waiting until spring and summer is often too late, especially when it involves pruning that must be done when plants are still dormant in late winter.

We are offering free consultations to help you with recommendations and answer questions regarding your lawn, landscape, and exterior maintenance needs in the coming year. Looking to improve your deck or patio? Add some shrubs or trim the overgrown ones you have? Overall improvements or solving problems?

We can help.


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